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So the top of Colossus at Magic Mountain caught fire today.

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So the top of Colossus at Magic Mountain caught fire today. Empty So the top of Colossus at Magic Mountain caught fire today.

Post by Turbojett Tue Sep 09, 2014 5:43 am

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So the top of Colossus at Magic Mountain caught fire today. Empty Re: So the top of Colossus at Magic Mountain caught fire today.

Post by SBF Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:47 pm

I thought they were going to close Colossus down for good?
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So the top of Colossus at Magic Mountain caught fire today. Empty Re: So the top of Colossus at Magic Mountain caught fire today.

Post by JaysonAych Wed Sep 10, 2014 2:08 am

I say leave it.  That looks like a hella sweet jump (to watch from the ground at a safe distance  :popcorn:  )
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So the top of Colossus at Magic Mountain caught fire today. Empty Re: So the top of Colossus at Magic Mountain caught fire today.

Post by Turbojett Wed Sep 10, 2014 2:43 am

where did you hear that, SBF?
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So the top of Colossus at Magic Mountain caught fire today. Empty Re: So the top of Colossus at Magic Mountain caught fire today.

Post by SBF Thu Sep 18, 2014 5:06 am

They actually talked about it on my local news saying that it was going be it's last season and that they were going to replace it with a new coaster.
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So the top of Colossus at Magic Mountain caught fire today. Empty Re: So the top of Colossus at Magic Mountain caught fire today.

Post by Honor Fri Sep 19, 2014 2:47 pm

How does a roller coaster catch on fire?
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So the top of Colossus at Magic Mountain caught fire today. Empty Re: So the top of Colossus at Magic Mountain caught fire today.

Post by JaysonAych Sat Sep 20, 2014 1:11 am

Honor wrote:How does a roller coaster catch on fire?

It was closed for extensive modification, and it caught fire while a construction crew was working on it.
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So the top of Colossus at Magic Mountain caught fire today. Empty Re: So the top of Colossus at Magic Mountain caught fire today.

Post by SBF Sun Sep 21, 2014 12:53 pm

It's also a wood coaster that they are trying to turn into a hybrid coaster.
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So the top of Colossus at Magic Mountain caught fire today. Empty Re: So the top of Colossus at Magic Mountain caught fire today.

Post by Turbojett Mon Sep 22, 2014 3:51 am

SBF wrote:They actually talked about it on my local news saying that it was going be it's last season and that they were going to replace it with a new coaster.

I think the deal was more that it was an extensive refurbishment/addition/slight restructure, but it was to be basically the same roller coaster.
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So the top of Colossus at Magic Mountain caught fire today. Empty Re: So the top of Colossus at Magic Mountain caught fire today.

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