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Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics

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Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics Empty Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics

Post by Bluntman Thu Oct 23, 2008 11:33 am

The pics are gone of course but this is comedy.Look at the comments in his threads by people after they were changed.Hilarious. :speedowethimself:

Last edited by Bluntman on Thu Oct 23, 2008 1:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics Empty Re: Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics

Post by Bluntman Thu Oct 23, 2008 1:08 pm

God I wish the pics still worked.This is great.Dunnas got it going. :talon2: :speedowethimself:
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Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics Empty Re: Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics

Post by Turbofrog Thu Oct 23, 2008 1:41 pm

Yeah, I wish they did, too. Fucking amazing.

I want to see that Oscar pic that BJ made, again. :roflmao:

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Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics Empty Re: Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics

Post by TheWoerus Thu Oct 23, 2008 1:57 pm

hahaha oh man. AF really was pretty epic.
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Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics Empty Re: Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics

Post by JaysonAych Thu Oct 23, 2008 5:06 pm

I was just thinking about that thread the other day. Had the Zeke speedo pics in some of them :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
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Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics Empty Re: Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics

Post by TheWoerus Thu Oct 23, 2008 5:16 pm

JaysonAych wrote:I was just thinking about that thread the other day. Had the Zeke speedo pics in some of them :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

You know I actually put the Zeke Speedo pic in some of my Constitutional Law notes when I distributed them to a handfull of fellow classmates.
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Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics Empty Re: Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics

Post by JaysonAych Thu Oct 23, 2008 5:31 pm

Hahahaha...Zeke is famous amongst Albertan law students.
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Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics Empty Re: Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics

Post by TheWoerus Thu Oct 23, 2008 6:12 pm

JaysonAych wrote:Hahahaha...Zeke is famous amongst Albertan law students.

/ lawyers now.

hahaha don't get busted on anything in Alberta dude. Exhibit A...
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Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics Empty Re: Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics

Post by spaced cowboy Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:42 pm

i've still got my contribution to that thread lying around...

Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics Af_say10
spaced cowboy
spaced cowboy
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Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics Empty Re: Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics

Post by Olds Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:48 am

spaced cowboy wrote:i've still got my contribution to that thread lying around...

Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics Af_say10

:roflmao: took me a while. hahaha oh man.

i was actually in that guys town a few days ago. drove through. not an ugly place. lots of kickass windmills generating clean power. it was cool to see them in the 90km/h+ winds that day.
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Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics Empty Re: Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics

Post by Honor Tue Jan 13, 2009 1:45 am

is that a rip or a big stain?
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Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics Empty Re: Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics

Post by Omni Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:33 am

honor man wrote:is that a rip or a big stain?
I'm gonna go with stain.
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Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics Empty Re: Mike(Celica)steals bandwith by linking pics and AF goes on the attack and changes the linked pics

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